Welcome to TK
Busy Bees
Ms. Debbie Edelbrock
Hello, my name is Debbie Edelbrock I am the teacher for Transitional Kindergarten here at Stella Maris Academy.
I was led to the career of teaching in 1987 when I could not find a Catholic preschool for my boys to attend, and a friend asked me to open one, so I took on that challenge and opened a preschool in the Riverside area in 1988. I have opened and developed programs for 5 Catholic preschools in the San Bernardino and San Diego Diocese, and I have been blessed by every experience and the challenges that I have had. So, in coming to SMA, I have a lot less to manage (just a teacher, not administration) and I can put all my love, energy, and effort into the children in my class. I have been very thankful to God for every year I have served in the Catholic Schools, and as a Youth Minister for 14 years as well (That was when I was younger!). Thank you for entrusting your child to our care, it is a privilege that I take seriously and faithfully with God at our side to guide us! Our teamwork to educate your child is crucial. It’s going to “bee” a great year!
If you want to learn more about what we learn in our Transitional Kindergarten classroom, please click HERE! We would love to have you join us.